ࡱ> qsp` &bjbj 1b5555 5FJ66666666<<<<^6=A^F$'HhJF86688F66F2929298.66<298<29292966 h58"29R9F0F29K8.K29K29 6h07J29z7<7666FF(9 666F8888155 պAV JOB DESCRIPTION HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE USE ONLYAPPROVED PAYROLL TITLE TITLE CODE EFFECTIVE DATECBU: ERC:DATEINITIALSNEW POSITION/REPLACEMENT TEMP. RECLASS ( ) TEMP. STIPEND ( )PROVISION NUMBER1. ( ) Recruitment ( ) Review ( ) Reclassification ( ) Update of Job Description2. a. SALARY RATE b. PERCENT OF TIME 3. EMPLOYEE NAME 4. CURRENT PAYROLL TITLE5. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 6. WORK LOCATION 7. WORKING TITLE (IF DIFFERENT)8. NAME OF SUPERVISOR9. SUPERVISOR'S PAYROLL TITLE10. NAME OF DEPARTMENT HEAD 11. SUPERVISION/DIRECTION RECEIVED (see back page for definitions of categories) Indicate the type of supervision the incumbent will receive after the training/orientation period. Close Supervision ( ) Supervision ( ) General Supervision ( ) Direction ( ) General Direction ( )12. NAMES OF EMPLOYEES DIRECTLY SUPERVISED PAYROLL TITLEFTE 13. GENERAL SUMMARY OF DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES  Retention: As long as job is active 71485-220 3380 SH2054R0992 14. ESSENTIAL DUTIES OF THE JOBPERCENT OF TIME (Time of all duties must add up to 100%)FREQUENCY (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)ESSENTIAL DUTIES* (List in order of importance) *See back page for further explanation of these categories. 14. ESSENTIAL DUTIES OF THE JOBPERCENT OF TIME (Time of all duties must add up to 100%)FREQUENCY (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)ESSENTIAL DUTIES* (List in order of importance) *See back page for further explanation of these categories. 14. ESSENTIAL DUTIES OF THE JOBPERCENT OF TIME (Time of all duties must add up to 100%)FREQUENCY (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)ESSENTIAL DUTIES* (List in order of importance)  *See back page for further explanation of these categories. 14. ESSENTIAL DUTIES OF THE JOBPERCENT OF TIME (Time of all duties must add up to 100%)FREQUENCY (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)ESSENTIAL DUTIES* (List in order of importance)  *See back page for further explanation of these categories. 15. NON-ESSENTIAL DUTIES OF THE JOBPERCENT OF TIMEFREQUENCY (d,w,m,q,y)NON-ESSENTIAL DUTIES 16. REQUIREMENTS: To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), which prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of disability, it is necessary to specify the physical, mental and environmental conditions of the Essential Duties of the job. Use these codes to complete this section: "F" for frequently; "O" for occasionally; "N" for not at all. PHYSICAL On the job the employee must: ( ) Bend ( ) Sit ( ) Squat ( ) Stand ( ) Crawl ( ) Walk ( ) Climb ( ) Push/Pull ( ) Kneel ( ) Handle objects (manual dexterity) ( ) Reach above shoulder level ( ) Use fine finger movements ( ) Other _________________ Must carry/lift loads of: ( ) Light (up to 25lbs.) ( ) Moderate (25-50lbs.) ( ) Heavy (over 50lbs.) MENTAL On the job the employee must be able to: ( ) Read/comprehend ( ) Write ( ) Perform calculations ( ) Communicate orally ( ) Reason and analyze ( ) Other ________________ENVIRONMENTAL On the job the employee: ( ) Is exposed to excessive noise ( ) Is around moving machinery ( ) Is exposed to marked changes in temperature and/or humidity ( ) Is exposed to dust, fumes, gases, radiation, microwave (circle) ( ) Drives motorized equipment ( ) Works in confined quarters ( ) Other _____________________________17. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT (Licenses, certificates, credentials, bondability, altered work schedules, furloughs, travel, ect.) 18. ____________________________ Employee's Signature ____________________________ Date19. ____________________________ Supervisor's Signature ____________________________ Date20. _____________________________ Department Head's Signature _____________________________ Date DEFINITIONS TYPE OF SUPERVISION RECEIVED: Close Supervision- indicates that the incumbent is assigned duties according to specific procedures. Work is checked frequently, and in addition there may be formal training. Supervision- indicates that the incumbent performs a variety of routine duties within established policies and procedures or by referral to the supervisor's guidelines. General Supervision- indicates that the incumbent develops procedures for performance of variety of duties; or performs complex duties within established policy guidelines. Direction- indicates that the incumbent establishes procedures for attaining specific goals and objectives in a broad area of work. Only the final results of work done are typically reviewed. Incumbent typically develops procedures within the limits of established policy guidelines. General Direction- indicates that the incumbent receives guidance in terms of broad goals and overall objectives and is responsible for establishing the methods to attain them. Generally the incumbent is in charge of an area of work, and typically formulates policy for this area but does not necessarily have final authority for approving policy. EXPLANATION OF AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 1990 (ADA) REQUIREMENTS ESSENTIAL DUTIES: The Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA) requires employers to consider the essential duties of a job in evaluations and applicant's qualifications. An essential duty is any task which is a basic, necessary and integral part of the job. In addition, when considering essentiality, one must focus upon whether the duty is essential to this particular job and not to the department as a whole. Further distinctions between essential vs. non-essential duties are the following: A. Are the duties required to be performed on a regular basis? If the duties are rarely performed, they may not be essential. B. Is the duty highly specialized? The need for special expertise is an indication of an essential duty. NON-ESSENTIAL DUTIES: Duties that a peripheral, incidental or minimal part of the job are considered non-essential. Further points to consider: A. Would removing the duty fundamentally change the job? If not, the duty is non-essential. B. Are there other employees available to perform the duty? 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