
Study Helps

Any student who wishes to take a biblical language placement exam must take at least one of the exams in May or August of the year they first enroll in the seminary. If the student wishes to take the exam for the second language it must be taken before the start of their second year in seminary. To register for a placement exam, please email sauerr@andrews.edu and give the language for which you want to take the test.


Practice Exams

Click on the links below for helpful study sheets that you can use in preparation for your qualifier exams.


Contact the Old Testament department for Hebrew test information: otst@andrews.edu

Contact the New Testament department for Greek test information: ntst@andrews.edu


Hebrew and Greek Study Resources

When it comes to the biblical languages, it is vital to get a head start before stepping into the classroom. Therefore, the MDiv office has put together a few tools to assist you.

Greek 1

by Ted Hildebrandt is an interactive site which contain text book and other materials that will help you with Greek 1.

Greek 2

is a site by Rob Plummer, a New Testament professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. The site contians (Greek 1&2), and .


is the Hebrew version of Daily Dose of Greek.

is a very good Hebrew 1 site that provides a strong a foundation for basic Hebrew. The site contains , a parsing interacting program, vocabulary flash cards and other resources.

is also a video lecture which provide the essential principles of phonology, morphology and syntax. The text book for this course is found .


Exegesis Skills

For helpful information on writing academic papers using Hebrew and Greek, this website outlines the steps and formatting for an exegesis paper: 


Study Skills Seminar

Want to fine-tune your study skills? Download the following handouts from the Study Skills Seminars.

Habits of Effective Students

Writing Skills: Taking notes and writing well (Power Point) (Handout)

Reading to Remember

Speed Reading