Daniel Olariu

Daniel Olariu

Daniel Olariu

Title: Associate Professor of Biblical Studies
Office Location: Sem N116
E-mail: olariu@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-3349


BA: Bucharest University

MA: Rothberg International School, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

PhD: Bible Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Daniel Olariu, originally from Romania, completed his MA and PhD in Bible at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He specialized in Textual Studies, the Septuagint, the Book of Daniel, and Exegesis. Before moving to ÈÕº«AV in 2024, he taught in the Pastoral Theology Department at Adventus University of Cernica, Romania, and in the Theology Department at Theologische Hochschule Friedensau, Germany.
Olariu is the author of Theodotion’s Greek Text of Daniel: An Analysis of the Revisional Process and Its Semitic Source(Brill, 2023). He has received distinguished scholarships, awards, and prizes, and has presented papers at various international conferences. He has also published numerous articles and book chapters for both scholarly and lay audiences, focusing on topics related to the Book of Daniel, the Septuagint, Apocalypticism, Rhetorical Analysis, Hermeneutics, and Exegesis.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Olariu is currently involved in a major project to write a textual commentary on the Book of Daniel for the SBL Commentary on the Septuagint series. He serves as co-chair of the Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible unit and as a steering committee member of the Book of Daniel unit for the SBL Annual Meeting.