

A century and a half ago, J. N. Andrews, the first official Seventh-day Adventist missionary, was sent overseas. Since then, nearly 25,000 more official denominational missionaries plus numerous student and self-supporting missionaries have followed in his footsteps. This sesquicentennial memorial conference celebrating 150 years of consistent Seventh-day Adventist missionary endeavors explores ways to enhance our current and future missional engagements.

Presentations will investigate the History of Mission, Major World Religions, and Mission Challenges and Strategies.

Conference Details

Dates: October 17–20, 2024
Registration: Required
Fee: None
Zoom: For registered guests who live outside the Berrien Springs area
Address: Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 4145 E Campus Circle Dr, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104-1500

Travel:  is the closest airport to campus.
Transportation: Rental cars are available at the airport.
Lodging: Click here for details.

Sponsored by: Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and by 日韩AV and the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.


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Eschatology and Mission Vision (Gilbert Valentine)
Historical Overview of Adventist Mission (Denis Kaiser )
Early History of SDA City Mission (David Trim)
The North American Division and Mission (Michael Campbell)
The South Korean Context: The 1000 Missionary Movement (Jearyon Lee)
The Church’s Mission in Communist Context: An Inter-American Perspective (Abner Hernandez)
Definition of Mission for the 21st Century (Kleber Gonçalves)
From Consumers of Mission to Contributors to Mission (Silvano Barbosa)
Contextualization: A Synthesis of the history and Present and Future Perspectives (Gorden Doss)
Current and Future Challenges of Mission to Cities (Gary Krause)
Local and Global Mission: Strategies for Church Member Engagement in Mission (Galina Stele)
Spirituality, the Holy Spirit, and Spiritualism (Bruce Bauer)
Adventist Mission and Non-Christian Traditions (Chigemezi Nnadozie Wogu)
Report on Japan: Mission Unusual Tokyo (Gerson Santos)
Report on India—Mission in Calcutta (Umesh Nag)
Report from MENA (Rick McEdwards)
E. G. White’s Counsel on Foreign Mission—A synthesis (Merlin Burt)
Life as a Missionary: A Testimony (Cheryl Doss)
Impact of Medical /Mission—History + Present Implications (Olaotse Obed Gabasiane)
Education and Mission—History + Present Implications (Lisa Beardsley-Hardy)
Care for Cuba (Fernando Ortiz - Sabbath School Mission Feature at PMC)


Sabbath Sermon

GC President preaching, with sermon on the direction of mission for the rest of the 21st century.


  Time Presenters Topics
Thursday, October 17 18:30-18:40 John Wesley Taylor V Welcome to 日韩AV
  18:40-18:50 Erton Kölher Welcome to the 150th Anniversary of Seventh-day Adventist Missions
  18:50-19:00 Jiri Moskala Welcome to the Theological Seminary
  19:00-19:25 Gilbert Valentine A Vision for Mission: John Andrews and the Eschatological Imperative
  19:25-19:50 Denis Kaiser Historical Overview of Adventist Mission
  19:50-20:15 David Trim Early History of SDA City Mission
  20:15-20:50 Discussion  
Friday, October 18 8:30-8:35 Introduction  
  8:35-9:00 Michael Campbell The North American Division and Mission
  9:00-9:25 Jairyong Lee The South Korean Context: The 1000 Missionary Movement
  9:25-9:50 Abner Hernandez The Church’s Mission in Communist Contexts: An Inter-American Perspective
  9:50-10:20 Discussion  
  10:20-13:30 Break  
  10:30-10:55 Kleber Gonçalves Definition of Mission for the 21st Century
  10:55-11:20 Silvano Barbosa From Consumers of Mission to Contributors to Mission
  11:20-11:45 Gorden Doss Contextualization: A Synthesis of the history and Present and Future Perspectives
  11:45-12:20 Discussion  
  12:30-14:30 Lunch Break  
  14:30-14:35 Introduction  
  14:35-15:00 Gary Krause Current and Future Challenges of Mission to Cities
  15:00-15:25 Galina Stele The Beginnings of Mission to Europe: M. B. Czechowski
  15:25-15:50 Bruce Bauer Spirituality, the Holy Spirit, and Spiritualism
  15:50-16:15 Chigemezi Nnadozie Wogu Adventist Mission and Non-Christian Traditions
  16:15-16:50 Discussion  
  17:00-18:30 Supper Break  
  18:30-18:35 Introduction  
  18:35-19:00 Cheryl Doss Life as a Missionary: A Testimony
  19:00-19:25 Olaotse Obed Gabasiane Impact of Medical Mission: History and Present Implications
  19:25-19:50 John Wesley Taylor V Education and Mission: History and Present Implications
  19:50-20:30 Discussion + Sabbath Evening Song and Prayer  
  9:00-9:05 Introduction  
Saturday, October 19 9:05-9:30 Gerson Santos Report on Japan
  9:30-9:55 Umesh Nag Report on India
  9:55-10:20 Rick McEdward Report from MENA
  10:20-10:45 Merlin Burt Ellen G. White’s Counsel on Foreign Missions
  10:45-11:15 Discussion  
    Fernando Ortiz Sabbath School Mission Feature at PMC: Care for Cuba
  9:00 & 11:30 Ted Wilson Sermon
  15:00-17:00pm All Presenters Panel Discussion + Closing
Monday, October 20 8am-4pm Battle Creek Adventist Village Tour (Buses from AU to Battle Creek and back)