
The Student Movement


Food for a Sustainable Student

Interviews by Savannah Tyler

Photo by Josiah Morrow

Oftentimes it is easy for university students to find themselves in a pickle when it comes to making sure to eat proper and nutritious meals or, honestly, eating at all. While there are a couple of main places on campus with a “smorgasbord” of options ranging from snacks to smoothies to burritos to salads and much more, there are questions that still arise. What is a student to do if they don’t have enough time to eat a meal or stand in line? What if the daily menu sounds less than desirable, and you’ve exhausted your palate on the Gazebo? How can students secure a balanced diet so they can prosper in their pursuit of changing the world? Luckily for those whose brains are clouded as thick as pea soup by these questions, there are a few students who have willingly given up their secrets to the ambrosia that keeps them the cream of the crop. 

“I try to plan ahead. I grab apples from the cafe or Gazebo for the mornings. I know I'll be hungry but don't have time to grab breakfast. I like to buy plain oatmeal in bulk and have a serving for breakfast with my coffee and whatever fruit I have on hand, just because it's super quick and gives me enough to last through the morning. On days I have a bit more time though I try to get a breakfast bowl with rice and beans from the gazebo. With every meal I usually eat a piece of fruit and some sort of vegetable, like an apple and a small salad, or veggies in a meal like a burrito, just to make sure I'm getting something green and healthy every day.”

Lucille Borges (junior, speech-language pathology)

“Well, I’m not a picky eater so I usually eat at the caf and get all the vegetables and eat them even if I don’t prefer them and then I’ll get something from the salad bar for more nutrients. For quick emergency meals, I have these microwave lentils from Costco that last me a whole semester or year depending on how I’m doing and I can eat them alone or with rice, which can also be bought microwaveable.” 

Nora Martin (senior, psychology and English) 

“I usually just get a Cliff bar and a smoothie from the Gazebo! I make sure I always have some form of vegetable and have one serving of that at the cafe or Gazebo so I get a salad too!” 

Glenielle Sta Ana (junior, speech-language pathology) 

“At the beginning of the week, I usually buy a bunch of quick snacks from the gazebo to grab in the morning or eat between classes, mostly granola bars and Greek yogurt. When I get take out from the cafe, I fill the extra cups up with fresh fruits and veg from the salad bar to keep in my fridge and snack on.” 

Erica Howell (senior, speech-language pathology and audiology)

“Whenever I'm limited on time I usually snack on a protein shake or yogurt and trail mix. I get most of my nutrients from supplements and I always grab a couple of fruits whenever I go to the cafe.”

Danny Frederick (junior, computer science)

“I have a banana with an iced strawberries and cream oat milk latte in the mornings when I know I won’t be eating until the evening. I don’t usually get all my vegetables and fruits though. I have such a busy schedule that I often times forget to eat. I run on coffee most days.”

Karla Torres (senior, graphic design and Spanish)

And that’s a wrap!

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.