
The Student Movement


AI and Potential Concerns

Katie Davis

Photo by OpenAI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming the new future. AI has revolutionized the landscape of job opportunities, reshaping the way we work and interact with technology. As AI continues to be used, the impact it has had on various industries such as technology, education, and healthcare will allow us to be more efficient and effective. However, while AI has immense potential for innovation and growth, there are many people who raise questions of future traditional job roles. These questions allow us to examine how our society can adapt and navigate the involvement of Artificial Intelligence. 

The use of AI can be seen when we dig deeper into career fields. In the field, we see that one of the biggest benefits of AI is the reduction of human error. AI is able to calculate mathematical problems in less time than an engineer, which allows companies to get their products out faster and more accurately. The 24/7 availability of AI allows it to work tirelessly and endlessly for long periods of time. AI thinks faster than humans and can perform multiple tasks with accurate results. We can see this tool being utilized immensely in the system. AI makes data entry more efficient and more accurate when it comes to patient records, insurance claims, and bills. By using apps and websites, AI also helps schedule appointments and facilitates messages and emails between patient and provider. AI has been used before, during, and after with patients by mapping out surgical cuts, stitching up the patient, and answering any questions that the patient might have post-surgery about symptoms. In the system, AI can be used to personalize lessons for children who are struggling and allow students to get immediate feedback. Conversational AI allows students to chat with virtual tutors and provide quick assistance. This promotes independent learning with secure learning systems that protect the student’s information and data. 

There are some things that AI will never be able to perform because it lacks one thing: the ability to empathize. This characteristic is essential in particular fields like healthcare and education. Empathy is needed to understand the patient or student and help them to the best of their needs. Also, since AI is by human beings, this automatically leaves room for bias. AI algorithms are built with predispositions that can produce biased results. This might affect AI when pre-diagnosing in the hospital because it might diagnose someone incorrectly due to physical factors that we can’t change, like our skin color or genetics. Because of this, there have been concerns about what happens when AI commits , and what to do about them. Should AI be reevaluated and given second chances like we would give to humans? Or should it be expected to rise above human knowledge and, most of all, empathy? 

Policies should be put in place to combat AI taking over job opportunities for our future generations. In December of 2023, the European Union drafted the first . The act establishes obligations for AI that are based on its potential risk and impact on individuals and society. There are several different systems that AI is divided into, which limit the risks it poses. The act describes how the AI systems are subjected to transparency requirements, such as notifying users that they are interacting with an AI system. Stricter obligations will apply to AI systems that are classified as high risk, such as medical records or employment records. The AI act also includes several banned AI systems like that “manipulate human behavior to circumvent their free will and biometric categorization systems that use sensitive characters (e.g., political, religious and philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, race).” Taking this into consideration, the prevalence of AI in our lives has exponentially impacted our healthcare and educational system. As we witness the transformative impact of AI, it is crucial to establish policies and ethical frameworks as we try to integrate this tool into our daily lives without compromising our human values and to ensure that human curiosity and brilliance are still being fostered in our career fields.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.