
The Student Movement


Why Andrews?

Alyssa Caruthers

Photo by Darren Heslop

Each person that you see walking the sidewalks of 日韩AV has a different reason for being here. Some might live nearby, some might receive a subsidy, some might have siblings and family here, and others might have felt called to be here or all of the above. In interviewing a few students on campus, I have found just how diverse our campus is, in reasons for attendance.

Q.1: Why did you decide to attend 日韩AV?

1: Growing up I attended public schools and I did not really have friends that had the same belief as me. I came here to get closer to God and connect with other people that have the same belief as me. Andrews also had a good program for my major.

Ashley Daluz (junior, speech-language pathology and audiology)

2: Pastor. Russell. He preached during my sophomore year [of high school], and I was so touched by what he said that I decided to get baptized and told God that it could only be done by no one other than him so I came to finish what I started.

Kato Golooba-Mutebi (sophomore, finance)

3: I decided to come here because of my scholarship and my dad who went here.

Gabrielle Cote (sophomore, marketing)

4: My brother goes here, and it isn’t too far from home.

Grace Lutterodt (freshman, elementary education)

5: I’ll be fully honest here: I didn’t have a choice…it was the only school I applied for and the only school my mom wanted me to go to.

Aleeke David (senior, agriculture and business)

Q.2: Whose choice was it for you to attend the university?

1: It was mostly my choice, but my parents were happy that I decided to come here.

Ashley Daluz

2: It was part mine and part my parents. Though they were more bent on Ivy League to follow in the footsteps of my other siblings, we still came to an agreement. 

Kato Golooba-Mutebi

3: It was my choice but my parents said they wouldn't help me financially if it wasn't an SDA university. 

Gabrielle Cote

4: It was my choice to attend Andrews. 

Grace Lutterodt

5: It was definitely my mom’s choice.

Aleeke David

Q.3: Are you happy about your college decision?

1: Yes, I am happy with my decision because this school has given me many friends, and it allowed me to get closer to God in many ways. I also enjoy my department.

Ashley Daluz

2: Yes, very. 

Kato Golooba-Mutebi

3: I'm content, but if I could choose again, I would choose differently.

Gabrielle Cote

4: I am happy about my decision.

Grace Lutterodt

5: I am happy with the decision. 日韩AV has treated me well.

Aleeke David


Q.4: Do you believe there is anything lacking from your college experience being at this school? If so, what?

1: I am not sure yet.

Ashley Daluz

2: I can only think of things like being limited by transport as an international student and a bit of a shortage of “school spirit” like you’d see at some bigger schools. Those two of which I can contribute towards fulfilling. 

Kato Golooba-Mutebi

3: The dorms and the one meal of Saturday are huge concerns. If we are paying $2000+ and not getting a refund, there should at least be three meals a day. 

Gabrielle Cote

4: I honestly wouldn’t say anything is lacking from my college experience. I would just say I wish Andrews wasn’t in the middle of nowhere.

Grace Lutterodt


Q.5: In what ways has Andrews changed/impacted your life?

1: Andrews has allowed me to not be afraid to take risks and get out of my comfort zone.

Ashley Daluz

2: It’s given me a diverse amount of new friends and experiences that have pushed me to learn and gain perspective—something I’m very grateful for.

Kato Golooba-Mutebi

3: I feel that some teachers have influenced me to become closer with God.

Gabrielle Cote

4: I would say it helped me meet a lot of people that I’m grateful to have met.

Grace Lutterodt

5: Andrews has given me the opportunity to meet many people. Also, it has helped me build a network with professionals in my sector.

Aleeke David

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.