
The Student Movement


Advice to Younger Selves

Interviewed by: Anna Pak

Photo by public domain

As this school year comes to an end, the senior class is getting ready to graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives. This past week I talked to multiple seniors around campus to gain insight into any advice they would tell their freshman selves, or anything they would change about their college experience!

“I think my main piece of advice is to remain open-minded. Don’t go into college—or life, for that matter—with overly specific expectations. Having these pre-existing expectations for academics, friendships, and experiences can sometimes lead to disappointment—so instead, I’d say to keep an open mind with everything. You might find the most solid friendships in the most unexpected places; you might find your calling in the most unlikely ways. The quality of your university experience depends largely on your perspective, and if you’re willing to give Andrews a chance, I think you’ll find something to love about it.”
Alannah Tjhatra (senior, biochemistry)

“I would tell my freshman self a few things:

  • Some life experiences come with discomfort, and it is often these that help us learn about ourselves the most.
  • Being kind to yourself in the midst of a difficult time is one of the most important things you can do.
  • People are very complicated, so try to extend to them the kind of patience you would like.”

Ashley Ramos (senior, physical therapy)

“I would say to be active on campus by going to AUSA and club events to meet as many new people as you can!”
Jasmine Cha (senior, biology)

“I would tell my freshman self to not be afraid to look at different career options that I might be interested in. Also, I would say to not be afraid to take a year for a student missionary trip because the experience is definitely worth it.”
Jonathan Castiglioni (senior, medical laboratory science)

“Honestly, looking back at my freshman year makes me cringe. I was so young and immature, which compelled me to make some really dumb decisions at times. However, I have given my younger self a little grace considering that I was just figuring myself out and  learning how to become the person I am today. That being said, I don’t think I would change much about who I was my freshman year. Though, I would probably encourage my younger self to continually seek out strong friendships and to feel confident in who I am.”
Caryn Cruz (senior, English literature)

“I would say to take every opportunity to have fun because college goes by a lot quicker than you think!”
Erica Shin (senior, biology)

“Don’t do anything halfway. Undergrad is a unique experience that you only get to do once, so act with intention. Mistakes are okay as well as long as you learn from them.”

Taehyun Lee (senior, biology)

“My advice to my freshman self would be to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Whether it’s getting involved on campus activities or prioritizing your mental health, be proactive and take ownership of your college experience. Remember to stay true to yourself and to be open-minded to new experiences and perspectives. College is a time of self-discovery and growth, so embrace every challenge and opportunity with enthusiasm and optimism. Plainly, enjoy yourself.”
Nick Kim (senior, biology)

“To my freshman self: I hope you realize that it is okay to be unproductive and take a break. Remember that the most meaningful things in life are not things. Your college experience is what you make of it! A work/life/study balance is something that is achieved over a lifetime, so don’t stress about getting it all figured out right now.”
Jaylene Koon (senior, nursing)

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.