
The Student Movement


Students Open the Month with Cultural Showcase

Andrew Francis

Photo by Chloee De Leon

Although Black History Month has ended, Andrews students and community members are not finished celebrating unique diversity and culture on campus. Preceding the “AUnited” weekend that will be occurring from March 10-12, Pilipino Culture Night (PCN) was presented on Saturday, March 4. An elaborate display of Filipino culture and heritage was shown to the Andrews community in the Johnson Gym. For a small fee, students could witness demonstrations of Filipino dances, Filipino food items, and other aspects of the culture throughout the night. I got a chance to talk to Jeffrey Wright (freshman, psychology), Brooklyn Anderson (freshman, animal science) and Matthew Bourne (freshman, music) who were a part of the program as either performers or spectators.

What is your cultural background?
Jeffery Wright
: “I am Irish and Nigerian.”
Brooklyn Anderson: “Filipino.”
Matthew Bourne: “I am black (African American).”

How did you participate in Pilipino Culture Night?
: “I helped perform maglalatik, the coconut dance.”
BA: “I participated by going to the event.”
MB: “I participated in Pilipino Culture Night by being a bouncer and checking people in at the entrance of the Johnson Gym.”

What was the preparation for this event like?
: “The prep consisted of practicing [the performances] once a week together and then by ourselves when needed.”

What was your favorite part of the cultural experiences?
: “The food, not going to lie!”
BA: “The dances and costumes. I love the tinikling dance because it’s so mesmerizing to watch. I learned so much more about my culture. The finale was also done in such a colorful way. They used dances from the entire night, and it was so amazing to watch!”
MB: “Learning about the different cultural dances that were performed.”

After the success of the several Black History Month programs and the smashing hit which was PCN, the 日韩AV Student Association, as well as the surrounding community, are waiting in anticipation for the upcoming cultural events that will continue throughout this month and the rest of the school year. Cultural events like Pilipino Culture Night and AUnited provide an outlet for students to demonstrate self-expression and cultural pride. These events also allow for a destressing period for many students, faculty, and staff alike as classes, midterms, eventual final projects and exams, and graduation come up on the horizon. Stay tuned for the following cultural celebrations and events that are going to provide further chances for cultural expression, entertainment, and a chance for all the hard working individuals on this campus:

Friday March 10, United in Christ: A Collaborative Vespers, at 7:30 PM
Saturday March 11, AUniverse: A Cultural Showcase, at 7:30 PM
Sunday March 12, Head in the Clouds: A Cultural Gala, at 7 PM

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.