
The Student Movement


What We Want, What We Need: Students’ Future Hopes for AUSA

Alannah Tjhatra

Photo by Peter Tumangday

AUSA elections have just passed us by, and the results are now in. We have a wonderful team of elected individuals ready to serve our school and bring some good change to the Andrews campus–and as a student government, it’s important to hear what Andrews students would like to get out of their college experience. Below, we hear from various students who talk about their hopes for next school year. Among some of the points the students make are praise for the events that showcase the diversity of the Andrews campus (i.e. the recent AUnited weekend), aspirations for regular Senate updates, and desires that AUSA will do their share in supporting the various cultural clubs on campus.

Thoughts from the student body
“I’d like to see AUSA be more involved with improving student life on campus. From social events to the Student Movement, AUSA is the pulse of our campus life and can often dictate how our day-to-day is. With Covid being less of a worry, I’d like to see just more general support in the Student Center (activities that raise morale, handouts, incentives to encourage engagement) and I’d love to see conversations around the things students have been asking about for a while now, like expanded Gazebo hours or vending machine locations/upkeep.”
Solana Campbell (sophomore, business management)

“I would like to see AUSA providing a voice for culture on campus, not only by congratulating the clubs for their efforts but also supporting in every other way as well. Although cultural clubs and associations do not represent the majority of students on campus, they should be given the same importance and respect as larger campus organizations. This is essential to continue the work of spreading cultural awareness and providing a safe space for their own communities.”
Loren Manrique (junior, animal science)

“This year, AUSA coordinated some really memorable events, and I really hope they continue to keep it up! As stressful and as time consuming it may have been, I found myself completely ecstatic by being a part of AUnited weekend, and I hope to see at least one more cross-cultural event in the next school year! But even then, the smaller events such as ice-skating and the talent show are beautiful ways to make memories with my friends.”
Sandrine Adap (sophomore, computer science and math studies)*

“It would be cool to see semi-regular updates from AUSA [about] the things they’ve been working on throughout the year to improve university life, especially in Senate. I think it would help the student body become more aware and invested in working with the student association, and could help promote positive developments!”
Isabella Koh (junior, English)

“I think having the wellness center gym open more often would be a great thing for the students. Many days, the brand new gym is only open for two hours for a specific sport, meaning many students may never use the gym as we all have different schedules. I’d love to see it open at more hours!”
Aidan Li (junior, biology)

“I think it would be really cool if AUSA incorporated new events while still keeping the ones they know work. Maybe come up with a couple of ideas and have the student body vote on which ones they would actually go to and then begin planning. For example, I love painting but never have time in my schedule to take an elective painting class. I’m sure there are others like me–whether it’s painting or another hobby–who would love to have more events that incorporate their hobbies. It would be cool to have a ‘sip-and-paint’ class. Just little details like that I think would be appreciated.”
Gabriela Francisco (senior, biochemistry and sociology)

“I personally would love to see more unity on campus, like what AUnited provided this [past] weekend!”
Ashley Yabut (junior, pre-physical therapy)

“I loved the cultural explosion of this past weekend, and I’d love to see AUSA try to outdo what they did next year.”
Geo Kim (junior, biology)

Thoughts from current AUSA officers
“I hope the incoming AUSA officers can continue to work for the student body by providing meaningful events, making changes on campus, and writing articles. I pray that AUSA can continue to be an example to students not only academically, but also spiritually, and represent how disciples of Jesus need to live. Lastly, I pray that AUSA can continue to support all the students to be the world changers who can spread the gospel all throughout the world.”
Dongchan Kim, president (senior, religion)

“For AUSA next year, I hope the team can get more active and engaged with the student body to help students get excited about AUSA and Senate.”
T Bruggemann, executive vice president (junior, computer science and physics)

“As seen in the present and past years, AUSA has a ton of potential to enact change on this campus’s culture. I hope that next year, the cabinet taps into these possibilities and leads the student body in creative and positive ways. Don’t be afraid to be bold [and] make mistakes, and be sure to serve as you lead.”
Joshua Pak, student services director (senior, biochemistry)

Thoughts from our AUSA presidential candidate
“For the upcoming school year, I hope to make AUSA more accessible to the student body and have AUSA connect with clubs more. This can be through open office hours, like I mentioned previously, or through AUSA collaborating with clubs. I also hope to continue to put on cultural events like the AUnited Weekend that I helped plan along with Darius Bridges and Chase Wilder (junior, theology and sociology). My hope is to have AUSA be more present in general when it comes to supporting the student body. This can be done through showing our support at club events, and being active in creating spaces where students can express themselves and find comfort in knowing that they are not alone on campus.
I also hope to improve wellness on campus by pushing for more mental health days that are spread out throughout the semester, not just at the end of the semester. These mental health days can look like having free food passed out throughout the school year or having a day where we can make ‘self-care goodie bags.’
I want the student body to feel supported by AUSA.”
Aya Pagunsan (senior, nursing)

There is a lot to look forward to. The next school year will come soon enough, and with it, many new faces and unique experiences. Through it all, AUSA serves as the face and the voice of 日韩AV undergraduates.

*AUSA played a supporting role through helping with set-up and execution when needed (mainly of the fashion show), but it is important to note that AUnited Weekend was mainly put together by Student Life, Enrollment Services, the Center for Faith and Engagement, and the wonderful cultural clubs on campus.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.