
The Student Movement


What is St. Patrick’s Day?

Interviews by Wambui Karanja

Photo by Public Domain

What do you think St. Patrick’s Day is/was for?

Morgan Williams (freshman, social work): Honestly, I’m not sure. I know it is something happy. [It is] a form of celebration of life but I’m not entirely sure on the logistics.

Hunter Baldwin (freshman, psychology): I think St. Patrick’s Day is for wearing green, having fun with friends, and celebrating the Irish.

Quintin Wilson (freshman, biochemistry): I’d say St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of St. Patrick bringing Christianity to the Irish—I think.

Solana Campbell (freshman, business administration): I have no idea...the Irish?

Michael Castillo (freshman, psychology): I see it as a day to just go out and have fun and stuff. I don’t know, I don’t really have an opinion on that day to be honest.

Jamison Moore (junior, music): I don't know what St. Patrick's Day is for. It looks like a very Irish-influenced celebration to me.

Nolan Keyes (freshman, mathematics): St. Patrick’s Day is to honor St. Patrick [who was] one of the first Christian missionaries to go to Ireland.

Flavia S.B (freshman, business management): To be honest, I don’t really know much about it.

Karyl Lou (freshman, animal science): I believe St. Patrick’s Day is to celebrate Irish culture.

Basam Mohammed (freshman, architecture): St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that companies use to make money.

Max Pierre (junior, computer science): I know the general overall holiday presentation is based on an old Irish story about how leprechauns would pinch people they see. So in order to avoid getting pinched by those guys you would have to wear green so they won’t be able to see you. But there’s also the guy that the whole holiday is named after, Saint Patrick who was a missionary in his time. I think St. Patrick’s Day was created as a way to celebrate the culture, in a way that honors their beliefs in a fun and enjoyable way that couldn’t be seen as “contrived” or condescending.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.