
The Student Movement

Student Movement Editor

Alyssa Henriquez

Class Standing: Senior

Photo by Darren Heslop

Major: English & Biochemistry
Desired Position: Student Movement Editor

Platform:  As Student Movement Editor-in-Chief, I would contribute both strong leadership skills and years of writing experience to next year’s team. I have frequently contributed to the paper for the past two years, both by writing articles and serving as the current section editor for Humans. Additionally, my work as the 2020-2021 AUSA secretary afforded me the experience of working for both student government and The Student Movement at once, which prepared me for the dual responsibilities expected of Editor-in-Chief. As an English major at 日韩AV, I have spent the past several years continuously developing my writing abilities. If appointed next year’s Editor-in-Chief, I am excited to put forth relevant, exciting articles that engage the student body in campus news and broaden their perspective on contemporary issues. I aim to increase overall readership of the paper, which involves both publishing engaging stories and effectively advertising our work. I hope you will consider me as you make your decision for next year’s Editor-in-Chief, as I will direct an effective, talented team of writers that immortalize our university’s stories through written word.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.