
The Student Movement


Meet Professor Pedro Navia

Interviewed by Pearl Parker

Photo by Brain Tagalog

What are the benefits of studying abroad and the importance of learning a new language?
Studying abroad provides many opportunities for students. When they go abroad, they not only focus on learning the language but also the culture as they develop cultural awareness. Those who are well-educated professionals with degrees also make mistakes when it comes to dealing with people from other cultures. When students have the opportunity to study abroad, even for a short amount of time or an entire semester or even a full year, students will develop these cultural awareness skills to be able to deal with people from other cultures. So in the future, if students have to work with people from different cultures, they are well prepared to deal with that. 

On top of that, if they can communicate in a foreign language, they can still be able to understand those who may not be fluent in English. But they will end up understanding because they speak French, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and other languages. This communication and exchange of ideas will be richer than if you had to use a translator.

How has COVID affected study abroad programs, study tours, and language learning opportunities for students in your department?
Andrews is part of a consortium called ACA and in these countries abroad. Most of the schools closed in the spring semester of March. They did not offer any summer programs this summer. However, now some of them are opening now for the fall semester, about one or two schools in Europe. Other schools are planning on opening in the spring, such as Andrews. Currently, we have several students here planning on going for the spring semester abroad. If the situation improves, it will be easier to do that. But if it gets worse, then the spring program may be canceled and moved to Summer 2021.

Every undergrad student has the opportunity to participate in an abroad experience, either through ACA or through any of the study tours that International Languages & Global Studies or any other department might offer. Any student who participates in a study tour will help them  develop this cultural awareness. This could be the seed they need in the future in order to look into spending more time abroad or developing more cultural awareness skills.

What are your thoughts on celebrating Hispanic Heritage month during this tumultuous time in America?
It’s very important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. I think it's also important to celebrate and honor every single minority in this country because we need to understand the challenges that minorities are facing. Not only in trying to survive here in this country, but also in the process of coming into this country. Almost everyone in this country has a grandparent or great grandparent, who immigrated here. So looking down on those who are migrants is like looking down on your own ancestors, who also at one point came to this country.

If you have the opportunity to learn the stories of your parents, grandparents or great grandparents, ask them to tell you what their experience coming into this country was; your perception of immigrants would be completely different. We should honor all those who made a huge sacrifice to come into this country. If you were born here and you're Hispanic, it's because someone else made the sacrifice to come into this country. We should celebrate all minorities, not just the Hispanic minority. Everyone has to have a space in this country right now.

What are some of your favorite things about Hispanic Heritage Month? How do you personally celebrate it?
My favorite thing about this month would be celebrating it with the students. This way students can learn to appreciate important aspects of their culture. When you begin to study your own culture, you’re going to discover values that are important and a history and past that's important in discovery, helping you to be proud of your heritage. Other important aspects of the culture and celebration is through food, music, gathering together, and dressing in traditional clothing.

I personally celebrate with my students, my family, and friends who are Hispanic. I always tell them that even though we come from different Latin American countries, we share something in common. It's the fact that we are here as immigrants, and some of us are here as children of immigrants, there is something to celebrate. Every time you achieve something, you should celebrate.

What is one of the most rewarding things about your job?
There are many things. But it would be seeing students who have little knowledge, for example, of Hispanic language and culture excel. Working with them for four years, and seeing that at the end of their senior year they are fluent in Spanish, for example, or having excellent knowledge of the Hispanic culture, is the best reward for me. 

Another example is when I have the opportunity to take students on study tours. When I see their faces when they are looking at or experiencing a new culture for the first time or if it's the first time they are traveling outside the US. It’s a very unique experience. I really enjoy seeing students grow, learn, and become experts in the language and culture. 

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.