
The Student Movement

Arts & Entertainment

Hispanic Artist Feature: Felix Gillett

Megan Napod

Photo by Artist Feature Photo

What is your major?
I’m general studies with an emphasis on photography and graphic design. I used to be in business but I switched.

When did you get into photography?
I’ve always loved photography. I like things that are aesthetically pleasing, but I didn’t get behind a camera and truly start learning until last year. I decided that business wasn’t for me. I was more creatively-oriented and the things that made me happiest were photo and design. I really want to create the content I see online and in advertisements.

Do you have any inspirations in regards to your art?
Honestly, my inspirations would be the things I see when I online shop. I spend way more time than I should scrolling through the clothes and brands I’d like to own. It’s not like I even buy anything, I just like the way they design their sites and the photos they have of the models wearing the clothes. It makes me happy to see it. I don’t really like trendy things, but things that look timeless, where if you do it now, it’ll still look boss ten years down the line.

What is your favorite part of doing photography?
Taking shots in the studio. I love it when I look at the monitor and shots are coming out nice. I’m in awe when it looks out of the caliber of what I thought it would because it means I’m growing, I feel like I’m really doing something. It makes me feel like I am learning and will one day have all the skills and experience to do everything I love with my own hands.”

Tell me about this specific piece you’re featuring.
I am featuring one of my portraits of Cameron Mayer (junior, speech-pathology and audiology). It was the first time I was intentional about what I wanted and used the skills I had learned to create what was in my mind. The results came out better than expected because Cameron has such potent energy and presence that really came out in the photo. Personally, I feel like this photo was the starting point for me. It makes me excited and is maximizing my drive to learn more so that I can show everyone what it is I’ve been seeing in my mind all along.
We are fortunate to have such talented artists honing their craft at AU. The Student Movement will be continuing to feature artists and their work, if you or someone you know should be featured, send us a DM on Instagram at @theausm.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 日韩AV. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 日韩AV or the Seventh-day Adventist church.