Frequently Asked Question

Panopto: Panopto block - videos not showing
Last Updated 3 years ago

The Panopto folder for your class videos has an Availability setting which is important to verify in order for students to see a video in the Panopto Block.

  1. Go to your class folder in Panopto and click on the gear icon - upper right.
  2. Click on "Settings" in the left margin
  3. Scroll down to "Availability" and see when the Sessions are set to become available. If it is set for "When approved by a publisher" then the video will not appear in the Panopto block until someone that has publishing privileges in the folder or video approves the video by replying to the email they receive asking for approval. If you check the "Share" setting in the folder and the video you will see who has been added as "Can Publish". This setting is good for Zoom class videos that are directly put in the folder before editing, but then you need to be sure to approve them when you want them to be available.
  4. To avoid this hassle of approval you can choose "immediately".

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