Frequently Asked Question

How to upload and edit a video assignment for students
Last Updated 3 months ago

To upload a prerecorded video into an assignment in LearningHub:

  1. click on the link to the Panopto assignment folder
  2. Make sure that you are signed into Panopto. You should see your initials on your profile on the top right. If you do not, you should see a button that will allow you to sign in.
  3. Click on the blue button on the right side "+Create"
  4. click on Upload media
  5. Make sure the course and assignment is listed in the file area
  6. drag and drop into the grey box, or click on play arrow and browse in your computer for the file
  7. click on the .mp4 (video file)
  8. click on Open
  9. the file will upload
  10. when the Insert button show up, click on Insert
  11. the screen will refresh
  12. click on Save changes
  13. click on Submit assignment to complete the submission
  14. click Continue
  15. a thumbnail of the recording will show to indicate that the video has uploaded complete and it is ready to take submissions.

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