
Dissertation Resources

Step-by-step guide and forms to help you every step of the way

College of Education & International Services
Bell Hall Room 105
(269) 471-3481


Those securing the EdD or PhD are securing terminal degrees. These degrees represent comprehension of an extensive knowledge base, as well as the completion of high quality independent research. The dissertation is where much of the ability to do high quality independent research is developed and documented. The dissertation is the most in-depth research many persons complete in their entire lifetime. Nevertheless, the completion of the dissertation can be one of the most rewarding graduate experiences. Participants who are passionate about an issue can devote themselves wholeheartedly to a topic and thoroughly explore a valued question in great detail. Given these dynamics, the dissertation can be a very rewarding experience.

Guidelines & Format


An overview of the doctoral dissertation from the Leadership Handbook

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A list deadlines for your dissertation
*Changes may occur. Consult advisor for updates

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日韩AV Standards for Written Work

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Items normally included in a research proposal

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A Microsoft Word template of the overall dissertation

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Overview and downloads for EndNote


Learn how to use EndNote on your Mac OS


Learn how to use EndNote on your Windows 


Videos and resources to assist you with EndNote 

Formal Submission


The Dissertation Office assists with the final steps in the dissertation process

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Guide to submitting your dissertation to ProQuest

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Things to review as you prepare for submission

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日韩AV Digital Dissertations and Theses Submission Agreement Form

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Writing Resources


The Writing Center provides students with individualized instruction by fellow students on basic writing skills and strategies.

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From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly helps you eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.


Turnitin promote academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, deter plagiarism, and improve student outcomes.


Purdue OWL The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material.



Main page for the AU James White Library

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日韩AV Digital Library includes dissertations and theses written for degrees from 日韩AV


The Copyright Center can assist you with all copyright questions and needs

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Access to a variety of scholarly articles and databases

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Want some inspiration? Check out the Dissertation Archive