
Teachers: STEM Boost

STEM Course Designed for Teachers

Earn Three Academic Credits toward Recertification

Register Today: Contact us at stemconnect@andrews.edu or 269-252-4185

Why: Equip yourself with classroom-friendly, hands-on STEM activities from a biblical perspective. The course is designed for teachers in both small and large school settings and offers inexpensive labs with easy setup/cleanup.

Format: Online content coordinated with hands-on lab experiences in each discipline (biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics)

Take Away: Complete the course with the knowledge and experience behind these activities to challenge your students.

Course Space Limit: 25 teachers, first-come, first-served

Credit: 3 credits graduate level (IDSC 525)
  (supported by the Lake Union and others for recertification)
   lab fee

Commitment: This course is an intensive. Plan to spend 12–18 hours weekly, during the summer. Lab portions are required to complete the course. 

Course Topics:
   Biology—Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Amazing Molecular Machines
   Chemistry—Living in a World of Gases
   Engineering—The Design Process
   Math—Mathematical Reasoning & Algebraic Thinking in Practice
   Physics—Lab Activities that Teach Standards
Questions: Email stemconnect@andrews.edu to learn when this experience will be offered next.