
2015-2016 Repertoire


Alumni Gala Concert · Fall Concert - We, From Battle Creek - Holiday Concert · Winter Concert -
· Vesper Concert - Spring Concert


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Alumni Gala Concert

Howard Performing Arts Center · Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 · 8:00 pm
The Star Spangled Banner John Stafford Smith/Richard Bowles
David Ortiz and James Andrew, Tenors
The Watch on the Rhine

Franz von Blon/Charles Wiley

All I Ask of You from "Phantom of the Opera" Andrew Lloyd Webber/Jerry Lackey
Gary Cooper, Bass Soloist
English Waltz Percy Grainger



Fall Concert

Howard Performing Arts Center · Saturday, October 24, 2015 · 8:00 pm
The Watch on the Rhine Franz von Blon
Rhapsody for Alto Saxophone (2011) Andre Waignein
Phil Barham, Alto Saxophone
Prelude, Siciliano and Rondo (1979) Malcom Arnold/John P. Paynter
Sebastian Serrano, Graduate Assistant Director
"The Gum Suckers" March (1996) Percy Grainger/R. Mark Rogers
English Waltz Percy Grainger
The Rakes of Mallow Leroy Anderson



We, From Battle Creek

Premiere Performance
Howard Performing Arts Center · Friday, October 16, 2015 · 8:30pm
We, From Battle Creek Kenneth Logan
      I. The Publishing House
     II. The College
    III. The Tabernacle
    IV. The Cemetery



Holiday Concert

Howard Performing Arts Center · Saturday, December 5, 2015 · 8:00 pm
National Emblem March Edwin Bagley
Colors Bert Appermont
Gary Cooper, Trombone
Sun Dance Frank Tichelli
Sebastian Serrano, Graduate Student Director
Joy to the Season Sean O'Loughlin
Candlelight Procession Adam Gorb
Sebastian Serrano, Graduate Student Director
The Eighth Candle  Steve Reisteter
I Saw Three Ships Larry Kerchner
Minor Alterations David Lovrien
Sleigh Ride Leroy Anderson
Christmas Sing-A-Long James Ployhar



Winter Concert

Howard Performing Arts Center · Saturday,  Feb 6, 2016 · 8:00 pm
Ecstatic Fanfare (2012) Steve Bryant
Arcana (2004) Kevin Houben
Second Prelude from "Three Preludes" (1964) George Gershwin/John Krance
Chester (1957) William Schuman
Sebastian Serrano, Graduate Student Director
High Flight (1957) Eric Coates



Vesper Concert

Howard Performing Arts Center · Friday,  March 4, 2016 · 7:30 pm
Ecstatic Fanfare (2012) Steve Bryant
Be Thou My Vision (2004) Travis J. Cross
Robert Leal, Guest Director
Joy in All Things (2012) Brian Balmages
On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss (1989) David R. Holsinger
Robert Leal, Guest Director
Chester (1957) William Schuman
Sebastian Serrano, Graduate Student Conductor
O Magnum Mysterium (2003) Morten Lauridsen
Rejouissance (1988) James Curnow



Spring Concert

Howard Performing Arts Center · Sunday,  April 17, 2016 · 4:00 pm
Sonata Octavi Toni (Sacre Symphoniae - 1597) Giovanni Gabrieli
Sebastian Serrano, Graduate Student Conductor
Earth Song (2012) Frank Ticheli
Up to No Good (2016) Brad Baumgardner
      I. Fingers Crossed (prelude and double dare)
     II. Little White Lies (what we don’t know can’t hurt us…)
    III. The Devil’s in the Details (I hope you brought your woodscrews)
Jason Gresl, Bass Clarinet Soloist
One Life Beautiful (2001) Julie Giroux
Consort for Ten Winds (2005) Robert Spittal
      I. Jeux
     II. Aubade
    III. Sautereau
Bohemian Revelry (2013) Adam Gorb
      I. Polka
     II. Furiant
    III. Sousedska
    IV. Skočna
On This Bright Morning (2013) David Maslanka

