
Courses Required for the Teaching Certification


EDPC302 Educational Psychology 3 credits
EDTE165 Philosophical & Social Foundations of Education 4 credits
EDTE408 Principles of Teaching and Learning 3 credits
EDTE425 Multi-grade/Multi-age Education 1 credit
EDTE444 Elementary Language Arts Methods 2 credits
EDTE445 Elementary Mathematics methods 3 credits
EDTE446 Elementary Science and Health Methods 3 credits
EDTE447 Elementary Social Studies & Character Educ. Methods 3 credits
EDTE487* Student Teaching Seminar 1 credit
EDTE488* Student Teaching (level) 1-15 credits

*(Exact number of credits for student teaching is determined by the Department of TLC.  A minimum of 9 semester credits is required.  Students needing full time status will take additional credits.)