
International Language & Global Studies Course Description

ILGS 121(3)
Elementary ____ I
Significant aspects of culture of the foreign language—oral and listening work stressed. A one-hour lab per week is required. Language options can be discussed with the Department of INLS.

ILGS 122(3) 
Grammar with reading and writing continued in the context of significant aspects of culture of the foreign language—oral and listening work progressively increased. Language options can be discussed with the Department of INLS. 

ILGS 235(4)
Grammar, reading, composition, oral and aural exercises in the context of significant aspects of the culture of the foreign language. 

ILGS 295(1-3)
In the area of language, culture, literature, or international trade. INLS495 is open only to qualified upper division students. Permission of instructor required. 

ILGS 330(1,2)
French/Spanish Service Fieldwork
Designed for students having an advanced level of proficiency in French or Spanish. Services may include activities such as mentoring international students on and off campus, tutoring, interpreting and translating for community and government agencies. 

ILGS 400(3)
Topics in _____
A study of selected topics in language, culture, literature, or international trade. Topic and credits to be announced.

ILGS 458(3)
Methods of Foreign Language Instruction
ical practices and research in FL teaching, ways of using that research, and practical applications of instructional methods. This course focuses on methods for K–12. Attending the Michigan World Language Association Conference in Lansing is required. Required for teacher certification. 

ILGS 478(0)
Study Tour
Travel to destinations relevant to individual programs of study. Classes will be selected from department(s) offerings. Fee may be required.

ILGS 490(3)
A one-semester, full-time work assignment which provides the opportunity to extend theoretical classroom learning in an appropriate setting in the U.S. or abroad. A final report is required.

ILGS 495(1-3)
In the area of language, culture, literature, or international trade. INLS495 is open only to qualified upper division students. Permission of instructor required.

ILGS 575(1-3)
Topics in_____
A study of selected topics in language, literature, or civilization. Topics and credits to be announced.

ILGS 590 (1-3)
Directed Study/Reading/Research/Project
Studies in the area of French/Spanish language, literature, or civilization, as determined in consultation with the instructor.