
Graduate Course Description

The following courses are available to those preparing for degree language examinations or for improvement in reading ability:

FREN505 (5)
Reading French
For students without a working knowledge in French; an introduction to the grammar and syntax of French for the purpose of translating written French into English. May count toward a general elective only.

GRMN505 (5)
Reading German
For students without a working knowledge in German; an introduction to the grammar and syntax of German for the purpose of translating written German into English. May count toward a general elective only.

INLS575 (1-3)
Topics in __________
A study of selected topics in language, literature, or civilization. Topics and credits to be announced. Repeatable with different topics.

INLS590 (1-3)
Directed Study/Reading/Research/Project
Studies in the area of French/Spanish Language, literature, or civilization, as determined in consultation with the instructor.