日韩AV Agenda http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/ News and Events at 日韩AV en-us Copyright 2025, 日韩AV Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:52:00 +0000 Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:52:00 +0000 webmaster@andrews.edu webmaster@andrews.edu More: Because What We Have Is Not Enough http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/66657 <p> <span background-color:="" font-size:="" helvetica="" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: ff-din-web, " text-align:="">From the story of Elijah, we learn that revival doesn&rsquo;t just happen. Leaders have to call for revival. People have to cry out to God for revival. This is why we&rsquo;re inviting you to join us in person for a very intentional journey: Sunday&ndash;Sabbath, March 2&ndash;8, at 7 p.m. Just seven nights at 7 p.m. for 70 minutes with speaker Don MacLafferty, founder/director of In Discipleship.</span></p> <p font-size:="" helvetica="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: ff-din-web, "> Each evening, Pastor Don will walk us through portions of the story of the prophet Elijah. Through presentations, demonstrations and discussions we will learn how we too can experience revival and discipleship in our own lives and how we can be used by God to bring revival and discipleship to our homes and communities.</p> <p font-size:="" helvetica="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 1.3em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: ff-din-web, "> Sunday: &quot;Stand Before God&quot;<br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Monday: &quot;Live God&rsquo;s Word&quot;<br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Tuesday: &quot;Find Heart Healing&quot;<br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Wednesday: &quot;Come and Worship&quot;<br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Thursday: &quot;Cry for Fire&quot;<br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Friday: Mentor &quot;Your Elisha&quot;<br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Sabbath Morning: &quot;Be an Elijah&quot;<br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Sabbath Evening: &quot;What&rsquo;s Next?&quot;</p> <p font-size:="" helvetica="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 1.3em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: ff-din-web, "> <a href="https://www.pmchurch.org/events/more-because-what-we-have-is-not-enough" target="_blank">https://www.pmchurch.org/events/more-because-what-we-have-is-not-enough</a></p> Sun, 16 Feb 2025 19:00:00 +0000 Pioneering Through the Decades http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/66819 <p> Please join us each night for historical sketches about 日韩AV!</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Dates</strong>: March 10&ndash;12, 2025</li> <li> <strong>Time</strong>: 6:15&ndash;9 p.m.</li> <li> <strong>Location</strong>: Seminary Chapel</li> </ul> <p> Presenters :</p> <ul> <li> Kevin Burton</li> <li> Denis Fortin</li> <li> George Knight</li> <li> John Wesley Taylor V</li> <li> Gilbert Valentine</li> </ul> <p> This is a free event.</p> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 14:20:52 +0000 An Update on Mission & Culture Position http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/64520 <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>The following letter was shared with our 日韩AV students. A similar message on this search process has also been shared with 日韩AV faculty and staff.</i></span></p> <p> <br /> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">Dec. 1, 2023</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">Dear students,</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">In a number of recent conversations here on campus, I have been asked about the process and purpose behind the recently posted <a href="/admres/jobs/3588/details#:~:text=The%20Assistant%20to%20the%20President,diversity%20vision%2C%20resources%2C%20and%20programs">position</a>&nbsp;of Assistant to the President for University Mission &amp; Culture.</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">I appreciate the honest and frank feedback and questions that have already been shared with me directly.</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">In response to those questions and concerns, I wanted to make sure that you also had the chance to see the update on this position that I shared with our faculty and staff last evening:</span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>When the diversity position was first established at 日韩AV in 2017, it was first set up as a vice president for Diversity and Inclusion. This evolved over time, and the office and position was changed to vice president for University Culture and Inclusion. With a vacancy in that position to transpire shortly before my arrival, President Luxton wrote to the campus about this transition, identifying an interim Chief Diversity Officer.</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>Once I began my work as the president this July, I began reviewing the specific responsibilities and structure of this role as we prepared to move forward. Once that process was complete, we posted the revised position online, and have now begun a formal search process to identify a candidate to permanently fill this role.</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>As additional context for this process, as I began my work on this campus, the 日韩AV Board of Trustees have continued to affirm that the president be specifically responsible for the overall structure and staffing for the administration of the University. To fulfill that assignment as it relates to this role, I have worked to listen carefully to the voices of the many constituencies of 日韩AV on this topic. In my attentive listening with our 日韩AV family, I realized that there are many different perspectives on this issue, as you might expect in our University community which is characterized by remarkable diversity. </i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>Additionally, as I did that review work within our community, some perspectives that I heard, for example, held that the diversity position should be formally placed in either the areas of student experience or human resources, which admittedly is in line with some higher education practice. However, at the conclusion of this listening and review process, I arrived at the belief and conclusion that a diversity-focused position should be a senior administrative position here at 日韩AV. I also concluded that we should take a renewed approach in carrying forward this important work and provide our 日韩AV diversity officer with an expanded title and role as <strong>Assistant to the President for University Mission and Culture</strong>. It&rsquo;s important to note that this newly structured position will report to me directly and will serve as a member of my President&rsquo;s Cabinet.</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>So, what would change with this new approach and title, and what would remain the same?</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>First, this new title is designed to help bring consistency to how we describe administrative positions on our campus. Currently on our campus, the title vice president typically indicates that the individual is responsible for a specific sector of campus life, such as finances or student experience, with multiple units comprising the sector that each vice president is responsible for directing.</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>On the other hand, the title and role of Assistant to the President for University Mission &amp; Culture represents a position that is intended to reach across and throughout the broad scope of the University. As a result, this new title and job description is intended to be a more appropriate designation for this position, which will have cross-campus responsibilities and influence. I am committed to the idea that this sort of role can and will be an influential position on our University campus. As an example of the impact of &ldquo;assistant to the president&rdquo; roles, the new president of Southwestern Adventist University previously served as assistant to the president on that campus.</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>This restructured position would expand to also focus on and help inspire our broader Andrews community to continue to be fully committed to encouraging and helping to coordinate a campus-wide process of living out our mission and integrating our core values into the fabric of the entire 日韩AV experience&mdash;values which do and must include the values of justice and compassion. </i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>I also want to be clear that what does not change with this position is that the important and essential work of this diversity officer role will be committed to continuing to help move our University forward on issues of diversity throughout all areas of our campus. </i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>While the issues and context of diversity positions morph and the terminology used to describe those positions can and does change over time, our commitment to the blessings and strengths of 日韩AV&rsquo;s diversity remains steadfast. We will continue to strive to meet the needs of all our students, faculty and staff.</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>This includes an assignment to further deepen multicultural understanding and intercultural engagement on our campus, and to also uphold an 日韩AV community that must always seek to be just and fair, as God calls us to be. </i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>As we continue in this process, we ask for and welcome your prayers as we work to formally fill this position. Also, if you have further questions or comments, you are welcome to stop by my office on the third floor of our Administration Building, or you can write to me directly at <a href="mailto:president@andrews.edu">president@andrews.edu</a>. If you&rsquo;d prefer to share your thoughts and comments anonymously, you can do that through the <a href="/president/campus-feedback.html">Campus Feedback</a> section of the president&rsquo;s website.</i></span></p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr"><i>Also, if you have specific suggestions or nominations for this position, kindly share those with with Christopher Findley (<a href="mailto:findleyc@andrews.edu">findleyc@andrews.edu</a>), AUGSA president, or Bordes Henry-Saturne (<a href="mailto:bordes@andrews.edu">bordes@andrews.edu</a>), chair, School of Leadership, who both serve as members of the search committee for this important position.</i></span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">Once again, we invite your prayers and we seek God&rsquo;s blessings and influence as we pursue our search for this Assistant to the President for University Mission &amp; Culture position.</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">I pray that these notes will offer our campus community some additional and valuable context, and as I invite at the end of the statement above, I encourage our Andrews family to continue to share feedback, including any concerns, with me directly, or with either of the representatives on our search committee listed above.</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">As we continue in our shared journeys, I also want to affirm how much I value the <strong>World Changing</strong> commitment and passion that you bring to your studies and our campus family each day as students here at 日韩AV.</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">Thank you for your continued feedback, commitment and prayers as we seek to fulfill and honor the essential and World Changing work of 日韩AV. May we continue in our commitment to creating a community that successfully focuses on our urgent and shared mission to Change the World for God.</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">God&rsquo;s blessings to each one of you in the final weeks of this semester.</span></p> <p> <br /> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">Warm regards,</span></p> <p> <span class="ui-provider ee ccl bpq cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx" dir="ltr">John Wesley Taylor V<i></i><br /> President, 日韩AV</span></p> Thu, 07 Dec 2023 11:57:24 +0000 Made To Thrive: The Lift Project--VIRTUAL Edition http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/55570 <h4 color:="" font-size:="" font-weight:="" ibm="" line-height:="" margin-bottom:="" margin-top:="" plex="" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "> NOW FREE TO ALL ANDREWS EMPLOYEES!</h4> <h4 color:="" font-size:="" font-weight:="" ibm="" line-height:="" margin-bottom:="" margin-top:="" plex="" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "> A 10-week virtual course that educates on how having a healthy lifestyle benefits the brain and makes us happier.</h4> <ul font-size:="" ibm="" plex="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "> <li style="box-sizing: border-box;"> <strong>Tuesdays from 12:30&ndash;1 p.m. until May 26 </strong></li> <li style="box-sizing: border-box;"> Zoom: <a href="https://andrews.zoom.us/j/119312212">https://andrews.zoom.us/j/119312212</a></li> <li style="box-sizing: border-box;"> Participants will be eligible for a drawing for <strong>five personal training sessions! </strong>The lucky recipient's name will be drawn at the final meeting, May 26</li> <li style="box-sizing: border-box;"> Email <a href="mailto:dalry@andrews.edu">Dalry Payne</a>&nbsp;to <strong>register&nbsp;</strong></li> </ul> <p font-size:="" ibm="" plex="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "> Lead Coach: Denard Fenaud<br /> Assistant Coach: Dalry Payne</p> Thu, 30 Apr 2020 17:12:08 +0000 Spring Graduation Fair! http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/52518 <p> Take care of numerous items in the exit process in one stop! Become a contributing alum, order your graduation regalia, receive important financial aid information, check on your participation eligibity, diploma information and get other questions answered. Door prizes, a photo booth and more!</p> Thu, 14 Mar 2019 18:00:27 +0000 Change Day http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/47014 <p> <strong>What is Change Day?</strong><br /> September 14, 2017, is our first annual campus-wide Change Day. Change Day is our way of giving back to the community through acts of service. Our mission at 日韩AV is to seek knowledge, affirm faith and change the world. What better place to start change than at home?</p> <p> <strong>How do I get involved?</strong><br /> Meet us at the flag pole at 8 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 14, to sign up for a project site. We have variety of activities including, painting, yard work, cleaning, demolishing, pressure washing and much more! Both breakfast and lunch will be provided. Travel will consist of carpool and bus transportation. For more information about project sites, please visit the 'Local' tab.</p> <p> <strong>What should I wear?</strong><br /> All volunteers should come ready to serve their community in clothes they do not mind getting dirty. Long pants and closed-toe shoes are preferred and encouraged. Change Day 2017 T-shirts will be provided!</p> Fri, 25 Aug 2017 13:54:45 +0000 A Different Way http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/46909 <p> <em>The following message was sent to faculty, staff and students on August 17, 2017, from President Andrea Luxton.</em><br /> &nbsp;</p> <p> Students and Colleagues,</p> <p> Today I had the privilege of addressing the faculty and staff of 日韩AV at the annual State of the University address. I shared my hopes and dreams for the year ahead for all of us, but I did so recognizing that our future and our commitments, especially to community, have necessarily deepened as a result of the events of the last week.</p> <p> Only a few days ago, white supremacists, Neo-Nazis and members of the KKK decided to use another campus in Charlottesville, Virginia, as the base for despicable words and acts of bigotry, racism and hatred. I stand with the many others throughout this nation to condemn without reservations both the philosophy and actions of these alt-right groups that seek to demean, diminish and even eradicate those whose skin color and in some cases religion are different to theirs. Such actions and words are completely counter to the values of this campus and the gospel which we live.</p> <p> Three lives were sadly and senselessly lost during the events of last weekend. Many other lives were changed forever by hatred and intimidation. I would ask that as a community we respond by a personal and corporate commitment to model a different way. We will continue to learn how we are stronger as we embrace each other&rsquo;s rich differences. We will continue to respond to the biblical call to unity and love. We will listen, hear, laugh together and cry together. That is 日韩AV&mdash;where learning, faith and a caring community must go together.</p> <p> May the 2017-18 academic year at 日韩AV be remembered for the way we lived out the gospel in our relationships.</p> <p> Read more thoughts on this topic from the leaders of the <a href="http://www.nadadventist.org/article/1073743543/news/current-and-archived-news-stories/2017-current-news-archives/8-14-17-adventist-church-in-north-america-responds-to-hate-violence-in-charlottesville">Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America</a> and our new <a href="/diversity/blog/#event46908">Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion</a> at 日韩AV.</p> <p> Sincerely,</p> <p> Andrea Luxton<br /> President</p> Thu, 17 Aug 2017 17:21:34 +0000 Summer Graduation 2017 http://www.andrews.edu/agenda/46557 <p> 日韩AV&rsquo;s Summer Commencement is scheduled for the weekend of August 4-6, 2017. Graduation weekend events begin Friday evening with the Consecration service in Pioneer Memorial Church and will continue with the Baccalaureate church service, Sabbath afternoon certification and dedication services, Saturday night vespers and the President&rsquo;s reception, and conclude with Commencement on Sunday, August 6.</p> <p> Robert Zdor, professor of biology, will offer the Consecration address titled, &ldquo;Life in the Quarry,&rdquo; at 8 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 4.</p> <p> As a native of the Centennial state, Colorado, Robert Zdor enjoys the mountains and the solitude of the wilderness. He has taught biology at 日韩AV for the past 25 years and helps introduce students to the rigors of the biological world. He obtained his PhD in&nbsp;plant&nbsp;pathology from the University of Missouri and specializes in&nbsp;the field of plant microbiology, in which he continues research. He also serves as an editor of the journals for the Society for Applied Microbiology. He is privileged to be married to his wife, Barbara,&nbsp;and proud of their two sons, one of whom is graduating this weekend with a physical therapy degree.</p> <p> On Saturday, Aug. 5, John Wesley Taylor V, associate education director for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, will present the Baccalaureate address titled, &ldquo;Life, a Journey. God, the Guide.&rdquo; during the 11:45 a.m. service at Pioneer Memorial Church.</p> <p> Taylor was born in Puerto Rico and has served as teacher and administrator in various institutions in Mexico, the Philippines and the U.S. He has taught at the elementary through graduate levels in a dozen different countries. He holds bachelor&rsquo;s degrees in health science and in religion, master&rsquo;s degrees in educational administration and instructional technology and doctorates in curriculum and instruction and in educational psychology&mdash;gifted and research. Since 2010, Dr. Taylor has served as an associate director of education, as well as an editor of College and University Dialogue and chair of the Advisory Board for The Journal of Adventist Education.</p> <p> On Sunday, Aug. 6, Maurice Valentine II, executive secretary of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, will give the Commencement address, &ldquo;Rise and Shine!&rdquo; at 9 a.m. in Pioneer Memorial Church.</p> <p> Valentine&rsquo;s journey in pastoral ministry has covered five states and eleven churches, and for a decade he has served as departmental leader and administrator for three conference institutions: Mid America Union, Central States Conference and Lake Union. He has trained over 500 church leaders in strategic planning, leadership coaching, conflict management, marital enrichment and team-based discipleship systems, and has shared his faith in Canada, the Caribbean and England. Valentine holds degrees in communications and theology from Oakwood University and a Masters of Divinity from 日韩AV.&nbsp;</p> <p> Commencement seating is by ticket only. A live streaming link will be provided at andrews.edu/graduation on Friday, Aug. 4. For more information and a full schedule of events, visit <a href="http://andrews.edu/graduation">andrews.edu/graduation</a>.</p> Thu, 27 Jul 2017 21:40:01 +0000