
COVID-19 Updates

Updates on Ongoing Steps to Keeping Andrews Safe

   Campus Announcements | Posted on September 17, 2021
Dear 日韩AV family, We wanted to share a couple of quick updates confirming important details about our journey together this new school year with the continued threat of the global COVID-19 pandemic and... read more

Preparing for New Year: Mask Up, Report & Protect

   COVID-19 Updates | Posted on August 27, 2021
Aug. 27, 2021 Dear campus community, As our campus begins to fill up and we enjoy the energy that comes with the start of a school year on our Berrien... read more

Need to Know: Back to School Edition

   Campus Announcements | Posted on August 16, 2021
August 16, 2021 Greetings, 日韩AV friends, Amidst the rhythm and rituals of a university campus, few moments match the excitement and anticipation that mark... read more

New Masking Guidelines for 日韩AV

   Campus Announcements | Posted on August 11, 2021
August 11, 2021 Dear 日韩AV family, We’ve all been following the spread and impact of the highly infectious Delta variant, which is now responsible for more than 90 percent... read more

Students: COVID-19 Self-Screen Required for Fall

   Campus Announcements | Posted on August 9, 2021
August 9, 2021 Dear students, I know that each of you is making the right and necessary arrangements in preparation to join us here on campus as our new school... read more

Reporting/Tracking COVID-19 Vaccinations

   COVID-19 Updates | Posted on August 5, 2021
August 5, 2021 Good morning, As we are nearing the start of this new school year, with most staff and many faculty back on campus to prepare for this new... read more

STUDENTS: Important Changes in COVID-19 Protocols

   COVID-19 Updates | Posted on July 21, 2021
July 20, 2021 Dear students, As of this week, 日韩AV will resume most pre-COVID-19 operations. New guidelines and expectations are in place for those who are fully vaccinated or... read more

EMPLOYEES: Important Changes in COVID-19 Protocols

   COVID-19 Updates | Posted on July 19, 2021
July 19, 2021 Dear colleagues, We wanted to let you know that as of this week, Andrews will resume most normal pre-COVID-19 operations, with new guidelines and expectations in place... read more