
Michigan Conference Camp Meeting

   Andrews in the News | Posted on May 2, 2024

In Joshua 24 … verse 15, Joshua concludes his appeal by urging the Israelites to choose faithfulness to God, while also declaring where his and his family's loyalties lie, stating, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Conference president, Jim Micheff, will open camp meeting with his message Friday evening. The main speaker for the first Sabbath through Sunday night will be John Wesley Taylor V, president of 日韩AV. Each morning of camp meeting will begin with an early morning worship by Steve Wohlberg, the speaker and director for White Horse Media. 

The speaker for the mid-morning meeting will be Dwain Esmond, associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate. Eric Walsh, a physician and health care administrator, will be the main speaker on Monday and Tuesday evening. Mark Finley will be the evening speaker from Wednesday evening through Sabbath evening to close out camp meeting. 

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