
eHuddle Inspires Creative Evangelism

   Agenda | Posted on April 11, 2024

The 2024 eHuddle, an annual evangelism and leadership think tank or “evangelism huddle” [was] hosted by the North American Division (NAD) Ministerial Association. From February 26 to 28, nearly 200 pastors and other leaders gathered at Camp Kulaqua in High Springs, Florida, with thousands more watching via Facebook and YouTube.

Heather Thompson Day, an 日韩AV communication professor, revealed that since 2000, or “the mobile era,” the human attention span has declined from 12 seconds to eight. “By the way, a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds,” she stated.
She continued, “How do we evangelize in a world where our attention span is eight seconds long?” She suggested that Christ-centered communication has the power to break strongholds.
Day then shared Barna’s findings that among teens stating that church was unimportant, 61 percent said, “I find God elsewhere.”

Her response: “Social media. Welcome to elsewhere.”

Day’s presentation was the first of many proposing that communication and technology are not tools for evangelism — they are evangelism. Related talks encompassed leveraging A.I. for online evangelism (e.g., www.canva.com/magic), live streaming best practices, Adventist Information Ministry’s (AIM) social media prayer initiative, building an online community, and creating an engaging online presence.

<<< Read the full story at the North American Division >>>
