
UCC Launches Digital Prayer Ministry

   Andrews in the News | Posted on April 4, 2024

Since 2021, Upper Columbia Conference has put significant focus on prayer. In 2022, UCC began holding many prayer-focused events, including 40 Days of Prayer, Zoom rooms with special guest speakers and an annual prayer summit. In addition to these events, prayer ministries has been praying for more ways to expand and reach people through prayer, and God answered with the digital prayer ministry initiative.

“The program works like this: The church records a video ad offering to pray with and for people in their community,” shared Marson. “The ad is delivered on social media to anyone within a 6-mile radius of the church. AIM employs student chaplains to respond to messages from call centers located at 日韩AV and Walla Walla University. Students handle all of the interests in a timely fashion and turn the contact over to the church as soon as they have shown an interest in a local prayer contact.”

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