
Fumble and Recovery in the End Zone

   Andrews in the News | Posted on April 4, 2024

When Jeremi Powell first tried out football, he thought it was the worst. At 10 years old, he’d been signed up by his mom to channel his energy and keep him out of trouble. What left an impression, instead, were the embarrassing tackles he endured.

He kept at it, however, and soon enough he was the one doing the tackling. The sport quickly became like a home and, before long, his talent shone through. By high school he had gained the status of a four-star athlete and all-American football player. 

After attending an evangelistic series by Pastor Carlton P. Byrd, Jeremi was inspired by the idea of dedicating his life to sharing God’s message. Now enrolled at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at 日韩AV, Jeremi is working toward a career in chaplaincy. 

<<< Read the full story at the Lake Union Herald >>> 
