
Cohort Completes Specialized Andrews Certification

   Andrews in the News | Posted on March 14, 2024

A four-year journey of the 日韩AV-run Ellen G. White and Adventist Studies Graduate Certificate Program ended on February 22 at a ceremony held at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) in Silang, Cavite, Philippines.

The Ellen G. White Estate at the General Conference and 日韩AV created the certificate program for those Adventist college and university instructors who don’t have advanced degrees in Adventist studies, school leaders explained. The program aims to improve the educational skills of Adventist research and archive directors, with an emphasis on Ellen G. White and Adventist history. The certificate is earned after completing 18 units and is a significant accomplishment for educators seeking to improve the level of Adventist education, leaders said.

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