
35 Years of Service: Bernard Helms

   Employee Awards 2024 | Posted on March 8, 2024

Bernard Helms, the gentle giant, is often quietly at work behind the scenes. Yet, for 35 years, the results of his work have been publicly displayed for all to see. Bernard has acquired many of the physical and digital books, periodicals, media and other materials that make up the James White Library. He carefully maintains the bound periodicals and submits timely and accurate reports. His work output speaks louder than his words.

At 6 feet 1 inch, you see Bernard before you hear him. He is a man of few words. He reflects before giving an opinion. He is calm, focused, efficient, friendly, competent, knowledgeable and dedicated to duty. He is always willing to assist and collaborate on projects. When in disagreement, he handles differences amicably.

Bernard has the gift of helping, often assisting his colleagues in times of need. He appreciates music and enjoys a good potluck, often contributing his favorite foods to departmental celebrations. As Bernard joins Cynthia, his wife, in retirement, we thank them for a combined 70 years of service to the James White Library. Thank you, Bernard, for a job well done. May the Lord bless your latter years even more than the former, and may you have great peace.
