
Fellowship Series Connects Pastors to Andrews

   Andrews in the News | Posted on January 25, 2024
Late last summer, 日韩AV created a new channel for communicating regularly with pastors across the Lake Union. This weekly virtual gathering with different small groups of pastors each week takes place via Zoom and is called “Friday Morning Fellowship with Andrews.” 
During the “Friday Morning Fellowship with Andrews” meetings, three university leaders and about 10 pastors pray together, with one of the pastors sharing a devotional with the group. In turn,鈥疉ndrews鈥痳epresentatives provide important spiritual, academic and campus life updates with the pastors, and engage in dialogue, answering questions. 
Six of these fellowships took place in November and December, enabling interactions with more than 50 pastors. Follow up surveys showed that pastors greatly appreciated this intentional outreach from 日韩AV, and that pastors feel better equipped to share timely and relevant information about Andrews with their congregations following these discussions. 

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