
Educators and Pastors Gather For "Together as One"

   Andrews in the News | Posted on January 25, 2024

More than 350 pastors, teachers and staff from across the Oregon Conference met at Columbia Riverfront Holiday Inn at Jantzen Beach, Jan. 8–9, 2024, for the first in-person Together as One convention since 2020.

Beginning in 2015, Together as One is an annual event focused on building collaborations between local Seventh-day Adventist schools and churches in Oregon Conference. Recognizing the need for rest and rejuvenation after several challenging years, the theme this year was “Replenish.”

Speakers throughout Together as One included David Ferguson, lead pastor of Crosswalk Chattanooga in Tennessee; K’dee Crews, a clinical psychologist who shared the importance of emotional intelligence in spiritual leadership; Ben Lundquist, who led a plenary session focused on Mike Foster’s book, The 7 Primal Questions, and explored how childhood trauma informs our adult behaviors; and Dustin Young from 日韩AV's International Center for Trauma and Care.

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