
35 Years of Service: Dorothy Show

   Employee Awards 2023 | Posted on March 5, 2023

Over the past 35 years, Dorothy Show has been an amazing, awesome administrative assistant, first for the Old Testament department of the Theological Seminary and then for the last 10 years as the executive administrative assistant to the dean.

She is greatly appreciated and admired for the depth of knowledge she brings to the dean’s office. Her expertise in the various facets of Seminary life is legendary. Everyone knows that when Dorothy is given a job, it will be done thoroughly, completely, accurately and on time.  She consistently performs with high levels of initiative, efficiency and productivity.

As Seminary dean, I greatly appreciate Dorothy’s wisdom in keeping the Seminary running on course every day. The faculty and staff respect her calm concentration and students go to her for advice and guidance on a variety of matters. She always stops and listens to whoever comes to her with a question or need, and cheerfully assists them with encouraging words. No one is unimportant to her—even the little children who come to the office get one of her famous “stickers!”

Dorothy’s whole work ethic and philosophy is service oriented, and she unfailingly manifests an attitude of unselfish service and passion for mission. She is the “glue” that holds our Seminary administration together! She is indispensable for the success of the Seminary.

Her close coworkers describe her personality and work with the following words: “Brilliant!” “Outstanding service!” “Dedicated life to God and His cause!” “Sacrificial ministry!” “Uplifting and cheerful!” “Fountain of knowledge and experience!” “Unparalleled focus!” “God and students first!”

We praise God for Dorothy’s 35 years of dedicated and godly ministry. Thank you, Dorothy, for your noble and outstanding service!
