
Co-Curricular Short Courses

   Co-Curricular Education
   Tue, September 15, 2020 @ 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
   Tue, September 22, 2020 @ 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
   Tue, September 29, 2020 @ 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
    Various On-Campus and Online Locations
First Year Mentoring Groups & Assemblies
Host: Division of Campus & Student Life
Location: Various Campus Locations, Zoom
Presenter: Mentors, Various Guests
Description: Over the next five weeks, new students will continue their New Student Orientation experience, in mentoring groups and virtual assemblies. These appointments are required of all freshmen.
Sept. 1: New Student Mentoring Groups
Location: Outdoor locations to be announced by Mentors via email
Sept. 8: New Student Assembly: College Students and Mental Health
Location: Zoom
Address::to be emailed to students
Sept. 15: New Student Mentoring Groups
Location: TBA
Sept. 22: New Student Assembly
Location: Zoom (address to be sent to New Students)
Sept. 29: New Student Mentoring Groups
Location: TBA
Hispanic Heritage Month: Unidos
Host: Departments of History & Political Science and International Languages & Global Studies
Location: Newbold Auditorium and Zoom
Address:  to be emailed to students
Presenter: Pedro Navia
Sept. 1: “Unidos through Immigration”
Description: A look into the separation of Latino immigrant families 
Sept. 8: “Unidos through COVID-19
Description: A discussion on healthcare and the spread of COVID-19 in Latino families
Sept. 15: “Unidos through COVID-19
Description: Looking into the impact of COVID-19 on students both here and abroad
Sept. 22: “Unidos through Ethnicity
Description: Discussing the discrepancy between race and ethnicity and how to identify as a Latino
Sept. 29: "Unidos through Politics"
Description: Discussing the importance of the Latino voice during elections
Undergraduate Leadership Presents
Presenters: Kari Gibbs Prouty
Location: Student Life and Leadership Lab, Campus Center and Zoom
Address: to be emailed to students
Host: Undergraduate Leadership Program
Sept. 1: “Money”
Sept. 8: “Staying Well”
Sept. 15: “Relationships”
Sept. 22: “Getting Organized”
Sept. 29: “Getting Hired”
CTC Presents
Host: Undergraduate Leadership Program
Location: Zoom
Address: to be e
Sept. 8: “College Students and Mental Health” (Joining this week with New Student Assembly)
Sept. 15: “Handling Death and Grief”
Description: Join us for a presentation on experiencing grief while in school. Many students will experience grief, and it can be very helpful to learn more about coping strategies and to hear others’ stories.
Sept. 22: “Dealing with Depression”
Description: Learn about how you can deal with depression while in college. What can you do and how can you help others?
Sept. 29: “A Guide to Mindfulness”
Description: Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of what your body is telling you about how you are. This seminar will teach you to be a little more in tune with yourself so you can manage your stress and anxiety better.
Host: University Wellness
Location: AU Instagram Live
Lead Presenter: Dominique Gummelt
Description: This weekly 45-minute video podcast starts on Tuesday, Sept. 8, featuring guests that will inspire you to live into the fact that you were “Made to Thrive.” Beginning next week, you’ll be able to tune in and find the motivation you need to make the sort of choices that will take you to the next level.
Sept. 8: “Made to Thrive” with Denard Fenaud
Sept. 15: “Made to Matter” with José Bourget
Sept. 22: “Made to Move” with Chidi Ngwabe
Sept. 29: “Thriver Feature” with Chris Silber
TRHT Co-Curricular Series
Host: Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center
Location: ,
Lead Presenter: Michael Nixon
Sept. 15: Episode 1, “Brown Church” with Pastor Daniel Duffis
Description: Join us for a conversation with Pastor Daniel Duffis about “Brown Church.” Pastor Duffis was born on the Colombian island of San Andrés within an afro-Caribbean ethnic community known as the Raizales. At a young age, his family received a missionary call to serve on the Dutch island of Curaçao, where he spent most of his childhood. He spent a short stint in mainland USA studying graphic design before going to Puerto Rico to complete a BA in theology (2010). Daniel has always been interested in the intersect between language (he speaks five), culture and religion, and he has served as a pastor, teacher and missionary in various places, with recent experiences that include teaching at the Institute for Missions and Languages in Bahia, Brazil, and pastoring a Korean American church in Queens, New York. He currently works as an administrative assistant for the Department of World Mission at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, where he completed his MDiv (2016) and is currently working on his PhD in mission and intercultural theology.
Sept. 22: Episode 2, TBA
Sept. 29: Episode 3, TBA
Chat With Chap 
Host: Center for Faith Engagement
Location: Zoom
Address: to be emailed students
Meeting ID: 972 7394 0355
Description: Chat with Chap is an engaging experience where students are able to interact with the chaplains through conversation, activities and prayer. This experience takes place on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. via Zoom.

   Steve Yeagley