
Andrews Speaks Podcast: Dr. Bosman - Math & God

   Podcast: Andrews Speaks | Posted on April 16, 2020


Dr. Anthony Bosman gives a creative and striking presentation connecting mathematics and faith. Additionally, Chaplain José Bourget continues the on-going segment called Sacred Spaces. Finally, Carlisle Sutton concludes the episode with World Changers 360°.

Co-curricular credit is available for students, whether listening to the podcast or watching the video. When you have completed the episode,  to answer a reflection question online to receive credit.

AUDIO PODCAST: Listen on  or on the embedded player below. We invite you to subscribe to this podcast on  or .

VIDEO EDITION: View the video on  or in the player below.



Sponsors: Campus & Student Life
Related Website(s): www.andrews.edu/podcasts

   Jeff Boyd