
UPDATE: Andrews Screens Film on Civil Rights Hero

   Campus News | Posted on January 14, 2020

*Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Martin Doblmeier visit this Thursday, Jan. 16, to the 日韩AV campus has been canceled. Please note that the film screening and panel discussion planned for Thursday evening will still take place, but, unfortunately, Martin Doblmeier will not be present. Plans for the Thursday morning University Forum are forthcoming.

Leading up to its celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 日韩AV will host award-winning filmmaker Martin Doblmeier to discuss his documentary “Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story” on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020.

Doblmeier will speak for the University’s Forum Series at 11:30 a.m. in the Howard Performing Arts Center. Later that evening, he will participate in a screening and panel discussion of the film at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Chapel from 7–8:45 p.m.

Both events are free and open to the public.

Winner of a regional Emmy award, “Backs Against the Wall” explores the extraordinary, yet often overlooked, life and legacy of one of the most important religious figures of the 20th century. Born the grandson of slaves, Thurman became a “spiritual foundation” for the Civil Rights Movement, inspiring many of its leaders including Martin Luther King Jr., Jesse Jackson and Congressman John Lewis.

Thurman was a celebrated preacher and gifted writer who authored more than 20 books, including the influential “Jesus and the Disinherited.” In the mid-1930s, he was the first Black American invited to meet Mohandas Gandhi. When Thurman returned to America, his writings and speeches planted the early seeds for the non-violent Civil Rights Movement.

As founder and president of Journey Films, Doblmeier has produced and directed more than 30 films focused on religion, faith and spirituality. He combines a lifelong interest in religion with a passion for storytelling. His films explore how belief can lead individuals to extraordinary acts, how spirituality creates and sustains communities and how faith is lived in compelling ways.
