
Worship and Music Leadership Certificate

   Lamson Hall Women's Residence
   Fri, October 18, 2019 @ 03:00 pm - 09:30 pm
   Sat, October 19, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
    Hamel Hall

The worship leaders certificate is granted by the 日韩AV International Center for Worship and Music, under the direction  of the Department of Music. You will be able to adquire the following competences: 

  1. Research and apply biblical principles that shape music ministry and leadership in Christian and liturgical practice.
  2. Design, organize, and lead musical performances and experiences in congregational or worship settings.
  3. Perform, compose, arrange, and/or conduct at the level(s) as appropriate to the area of specialization.
  4. Develop an understanding of musical religious practice, including music in worship, orders of worship, repertories, congregational song, and service design, and of music administrative structures, practices, and procedures.
  5. Develop an understanding of how other disciplines are related to the practice of sacred music (these may include, but are not limited to technologies, media, other art forms, and the relationships between sacred music and the music of broader cultures).
  6. Employ media and technologies in developing and producing music and worship experiences.
  7. Present one public demonstration of competence in music leadership and/or solo performance or composition.
  8. Practicum opportunities within or beyond the institution that lead to demonstrations of competency to work in the field of sacred music. While these functions may be fulfilled in a variety of ways, an internship or similar formal experience is strongly recommended.





Related Website(s): www.andrews/music

   Department of Music