
Serving the community at HERBIE

   Physical Therapy | Posted on July 24, 2019

HERBIE clinic (Healthcare & Evangelism Reaching Beyond Including Everyone), run by Dr. Sherry O’Donnell, is a pro bono medical clinic in Niles, Michigan. The clinic is held once per month and serves the medical, pharmaceutical, and physical therapy needs of individuals without insurance. The clinic provides another avenue of service for our students, faculty and local alumni. Recently, the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences joined the clinic, offering basic laboratory services. The clinic is now housed in a permanent space in the United Methodist Church’s community center. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities please or are without insurance and are in need, or know someone in need of services please contact kimferreira@andrews.edu.

Sponsors: School of Rehabilitation Sciences
Related Website(s): /chhs/pt/

   Kim Ferreira