
Mission trip to Lebanon

   Religion & Biblical Languages | Posted on March 13, 2019

On Wednesday, the 26-member missions team flew to Beirut, Lebanon for missions and ministry. The team will conduct the week of spiritual emphasis at Middle East University and the local Adventist elementary school and academy, schools which have a minority Adventist population. Our mission team includes 16 physical therapy students and clinicians led by Kim Ferreira, chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, who will be partnering with a medical clinic for Syrian and Iraqi refugees and the local population.

A special aspect of the mission will be partnering with John Bradshaw and the It Is Written team conducting evangelistic meetings. We solicit your fervent prayers for God to do a mighty work in this challenging mission field. This mission outreach is sponsored by the Department of Physical Therapy, the Department of Religion & Biblical Languages and Pioneer Memorial Church.

For further information contact the mission team director, Glenn Russell. glenn@andrews.edu.

Sponsors: Departments of Religion, Physical Therapy and Pioneer Memorial Church

   Glenn Russell