
Currency Honor Being Taught at Oshkosh

   Community Announcements | Posted on March 22, 2018

We are working on plans to teach the Currency Honor at the next International Pathfinder Camporee, Chosen 2019.

Here is what you can do to help out and to be prepared:

  1. If you live in or travel to a country outside of the United States (like for Spring Break or summer), you can collect coins. They can be the smallest denomination, and they can all be the same because the honor says "Have a coin or notes from 10 different countries. Describe what is on each, give the names of any people or objects portrayed on them, and give the dates for them whenever possible."
  2. You can give what you find to your local Pathfinder Club or you can find us. I am working on an MSW so will be around the Social Work department some days, mainly Mondays. My wife teaches in that department, so you can find her there some days, as well.
  3. If you are a Pathfinder, will be coming to Oshkosh and would like to work on the honor there, you can work on number 8: "Do one of the following: (a) Collect at least five coins or notes from your country that are no longer in circulation, (b) Collect a date series of coins from your country beginning with your birth year (expensive and rare coins need not be included)." Here in the United States it is easiest and more affordable to collect pennies.

   Terry Trecartin