
Implicit Bias & Blind Spot

   Campus News | Posted on June 20, 2016

日韩AV’s invites the community to its sixth annual conference on Monday, June 27, at the Howard Performing Arts Center. This all-day event features keynote speaker Brian Nosek, co-founder of Project Implicit, an Internet-based multi-university collaboration of research and education about implicit cognition. Registration is required, but is free and open to the public. Credit is also available through the University for those registered as students.

The conference will begin with a networking breakfast at 7:30 a.m., followed by the opening ceremony and Nosek’s keynote presentation. Breakout sessions and leadership labs will take place in the afternoon. Lunch and dinner will not be provided.

The title of Nosek’s presentation is “Implicit Bias & Blind Spot,” which examines how behavior can be affected by factors that are outside of an individual’s purposes and intents. Nosek implements scientific research in his lectures in order to assist in aligning moral values and practices more closely. This will be of particular interest to current and future leaders who work or intend to work in Christian settings where it is important that one’s professional actions do not differ greatly from their religious values due to subconscious factors.

Brian Nosek, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, received his PhD from Yale in 2002, and is the recipient of awards from both the International Social Cognition Network and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. He helped co-found the Center of Open Science, which he also directs, which operates the Open Science Framework. His main area of interest is in implicit cognition, which covers the mental processes that occur without conscious awareness or control. In order to learn more about implicit cognition, Nosek co-founded Project Implicit, which researches the subject and collaborates with multiple universities over the Internet.

Sponsored by the Whirlpool Corporation and Lakeland Health Care, the Leadership Conference is open to anyone interested in attending. For details and to register, visit , email leader@andrews.edu or call 269-471-6580.


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