

what we offer

After the requirements of the freshman year are met, Andrews Academy offers a selective curriculum. Each student has a faculty advisor who will help them plan a course of study that reflects their interests and goals for graduating with a particular type of diploma. Browse through the wide variety of courses that are offered in the following departments:

Download a PDF of our courses descriptions (starting on pg 36). GO >>

Current students plan their schedule in April, and their classes are then pre-registered for the upcoming year. Incoming students (grades 10-12) pre-register their classes with the registrar after they have received their letter of acceptance. Grade 9 students get their class schedule in June at Grad Brunch. The schedules below are subject to change.

Incoming students may pre-schedule their classes at specific dates during the summer months. Call the office at 269-471-3138 to schedule an appointment after receiving your acceptance letter. Transfer students may use the diploma requirements worksheet to plan which classes are required.